Sea-buckthorn jam and juice

Sea-buckthorn berries are really dificult to harvest, but the taste is so yummy.

Preparation of 800 g of sea-buckthorn berries

Bring all the berries to a boil with 2 dl of water.
Strain while mashing up the berries in a sieve.
You now have sea-buckthorn purée
Separate im two pots and your ready to make jam and juice.

Jam ingredients

Half of the sea-buckthorn
300-400 g sugar
3 apples or other fruit of the same amount

Jam instructions

Add the sugar to the purée and bring to a boil. When the apples have a mushy consistence, add the sugar. After the sugar have melted, leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Do not stir at this time.

When finished pour into sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator or freezer.

Juice ingredients

Half of the sea-buckthorn
150 g sugar
1-2 apples or other fruit of the same amount
1 liter of water

Add sugar and water to the purée and bring to a boil. When the apples have a mushy consistence, add the sugar. After the sugar have melted, leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes.

When finished pour into sterilized bottles and store in the refrigerator or freezer. Dilute with water to your preference.

Juice instructions

When finished pour into sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator or freezer.

If you have been careful with the hygiene the juice and jam can keep for months and months :)

1 comment:

  1. Hej trrtfvcb,

    Jeg synes næsten du skal lægge din blog op på
    ...så flere veganske retter kan komme på menuerne derude i verden. :)

    // Marcus
