The Reviews

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Simple Raw - 18 nov. 2010

The place is done in a sort of retro 70's pinewood feel meets bright lit minimalism. But that and the all-in-one bench'n'table hipster setting didn't appeal to me that day - it rarely does.

When presenting the menu the assistant/waiter called my a 'girl' when trying to promote some 'girl's night special'. I was to tired and indecisive to choose whether to introduce him to my special marshal art's trick - 'The Raw Balls' or just tell him if he really thought I look like someone who identifies as a 'girl'?

I decided to leave it for later - and come back with some militant queer backlash next time.

I'm weary of the refrigerated prepacked concept. In my opinion most food have to be served freshly made. Especially raw food shouldn't be prepared more than 15 minutes prior to serving to ensure the best nutritional value. Also, the temperature should be chilled to room temperature, refrigerator temperature makes it feel like eating right out of the supermarket cooler.

However i did enjoy the hummus sandwich I brought home.

Ingredients: rosemary bread, salad, hummus, avocado, tomato, red onion.

Very tasty and still somewhat crispy bread. Flavorful hummus.  All in all rich and something I'd come back for, making sure I ask for the freshest one in the fridge. 

The Raw Tribe - 16 oct. 2010

The place was freezing, the food was freezing, the rolls were dry, the waiter was a rude know-better type person, the decor's poorly done wannabe NYC trashy hipster cafe, the terminal was out of order - and I left the place still hungry.

They did have an interesting looking raw cake recipe book on display, but my fingers were too frozen and I was too busy getting outta there to hang out to look at it.

If it was a bad day, hey really have to shape up - if not they will probably close very soon...


Vego Foodworld

Yum! Vegan Fast Food to cure your hangover. 30 different burgers to choose from. I had a Sumatra Burger with fries and ketchup - and a raspberry Bio Limonade.

Friendly and laid back waiter-and-chef-in-one too.

Very happy I was after hiking quite a distance in the poring rain to get there.

New York City

Angelica Kitchen



Candle 79

Tiengarden Vegan Restaurant


Red Bamboo
